Anna Torv and Amy Smart
Amy Lysle Smart is a popular model, actress, and musician. Amy Smart was born on the 26th of March 1976 in Topanga California United States. Amy Smart is born of American origin and is a member of the zodiac Aries. Amy has 48 years of age and is 5ft 6 inches tall (1.68 m) at present. Amy is also a follower of the Christian faith. John Boden Smart, and Judy Lysle Carrington were her parents. Amy Smart was born in an extended family in which her mother was curator at a museum, and her father worked as a salesperson. The family she grew up with was Adam Smart. Amy was determined to uncover her creativity at an early age. Amy was the child of working-class parents who became used to living in solitude. This helped her grow in her art. In addition, she started dancing in order to combat the loneliness that she experienced, and allowed her to overcome stage anxiety. According to Amy's professional qualifications, she is educated and well-off. Her schooling or the exact location of her ...